Ankake Udon/あんかけうどん【Iwate/岩手県】

    Ankake Udon is one of the representative regional dishes of Iwate Prefecture, particularly well-known in Morioka City. Let's summarize the features and description of Ankake Udon briefly.

    Features of Ankake Udon:

    1. Noodles: Ankake Udon uses thick, chewy udon noodles as its base. These thick noodles provide a satisfying texture and pair perfectly with the thickened sauce.
    2. Ankake Sauce: The most distinctive element is the thickened ankake sauce. This sauce is based on dashi and soy sauce, thickened with starch, and simmered with various ingredients. It provides a rich, savory flavor and coats the noodles beautifully. The ingredients in the sauce can vary with the season and may include vegetables, meat, or seafood.
    3. Toppings: Various toppings are added to Ankake Udon. Common toppings include green onions, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, chicken, pork, shrimp, and more. These toppings combine with the ankake sauce to create a flavorful dish.
    4. Local Pride: Ankake Udon is cherished as a part of the local food culture, particularly in Morioka City and throughout Iwate Prefecture. It's considered a source of local pride and is enjoyed by both locals and tourists.
    5. Seasonal Variations: You can also enjoy seasonal variations of Ankake Udon that feature ingredients available during specific times of the year. For example, spring versions may include wild vegetables, while autumn versions incorporate mushrooms.

    Iwate Prefecture's Ankake Udon is celebrated for its unique thickened sauce, variety of toppings, and the satisfying chewiness of its thick udon noodles. It represents a beloved regional cuisine that showcases local ingredients and flavors.